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The Carnegie Newsletter


Jan. 2025 First Quarter

STORE  |  During the later half of Dec. 2024 all items in the store where set to half off for the Christmas Season. 

RESEARCH SPACE  |  The museum has taken a hard look at our space usage and decided some changes were needed. Jakes office now shares space with the remaining store items.  This provides oversight of the store and a larger research and meeting space. Charlotte Wright has moved her research station to Jakes old office space allowing for greater storage and research.

PUBLIC INTERACTION  |  Social media is king now days and the museum is taking full advantage of those resources. The museum posts images and photos of the new things we are continually finding in all the nook and crannies. This kind of online engagement encourages interest and visits to the museum. Stay up to date daily by joining our social media pages Facebook:


Facebook Post The image above was given to us and we are looking for any information that would help identify it. The year and individuals are unknown, but it’s in front of the Jefferson County courthouse.

Instagram Post | A rare picture taken between 1892 and 1897. The barn that you see in the lower left-hand corner was owned by the National Hotel that started in 1850s, the barn was used as their stables. The National was considered one of the top hotels in Fairfield until the 1870s. The big house to the right of the court house is the McElhinny House built in 1851.

HISTORICAL DONATIONS |  Major thank you to Andy Hallman at the Union paper for letting the Carnegie Museum pickup artifacts that were left in the former Fairfield Ledger offices. They were closing the building up and moving their office location the Fairfield CoLab.

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YouTube  |  Many of the videos on the Carnegie Museum YouTube Channel are hosted by the Fairfield Media Center.

The Fairfield Media Center is a living video archive of Fairfield's past. As new content is produced it is our hope that those videos will be uploaded to the Carnegie's Channel.

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